Friday, July 15, 2011

28 Amazing 3D Street Paintings (illusions)

So illusions come in many ways, this type of illusion is done usually with chalk, some do it with Spray cans, but it's not very common. This art has been called many things over time. Some call it Street painting others 3D Chalk Art.In the past it was called one-point-perspective art.

(Click to enlarge)

 The following are from the amazing Kurt Wenner, one of the pioneers of this art.

Another amazing artist is Manfred Stader, his work has been used in many advertising campaigns.

 This cup, is one of the most amazing works of art in this area, look at the handle, the reflective properties.

Julian Beever. His artwork takes place in everyday streets, that's what makes him so amazing.

Finally we have Edgar Mueller, this artist has done some of the biggest and most "wow" works.
(Click to enlarge)

Greg Lehman
Bet at least a couple of people wanted to move the ball out of the way...

Fell free to comment.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Filling in the blanks

So we all have an amazing brain, but do you know how far it can go? The following are all examples of the brain filling in or completing the picture. Your brain uses what you know to find shapes or figures you can recognize. It's kinda like when you lay down on the grass to look at the clouds and after a while you start to make out some shapes. Its the main principle behind constellations.

Do you see the triangle that's not actually there?

So what side is longer?
There the same length.

Same with this one, the two horizontal lines are the same.
Two faces or a vase?

Is the man walking to the camera or moving away from it? 
Please fell free to comment your opinion.
The mind is an amazing thing and we only use 12%-15% of it, just imagine what we are capable to do! 

Word illusions.

Illusions come in many different ways, as you all know they may vary from 3D to 2D. Illusions have the power to make your brain work by filling in the blanks. A good example of this:
In case you are wondering is says: No sex causes bad eyes
Another prime example of words and illusions would be this 
An idea inspired from ancient times, the most famous would be the Illuminati wording on the now popular novel by Dan Brown.The idea of making a word look the same any way you see it was a big deal. Leonardo Da Vinci was one of the few people to think of the idea and try doing it.
Mirror writing is also a type of skill/illusion, this image shows it pretty well. Plus the girl is nice :)

Most known illusions.

So here we have a good example of an illusion, this is a still image, even if you think otherwise.You can save it to see for yourself.
Illusions have been around for many centuries, they have just gotten more radical with more intense colors and  more complex designs. The next image is a bit older than you think.
This one of the most famous illusions, there are many styles of illusions, you can have real life illusions done with lights and other props or you can paint and design on a 2D plane. Either way they are pretty cool.
Photography, as we all know, is not real at all. It is an illusion of reality with which we create our own private world.
Arnold Newman.

 Another typical example.This has a higher level of skill since there are multiple illusions at work here, every part of the old couples face is made out of illusions.